Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How to clean up cache in android

Hello everyone
People using smartphones face a lot of issues of phone hanging and all
 So.. let me tell this, as you use your phone more and more, and with time, your phone eats up memory or free space from the internal storage. This causes your phone to respond slowly and do the tasks slower than before.
These unwanted 'things' that eat up your memory are called "cache"

 You can delete those cache partitions in seconds. Here's what you have to do

1) Go to settings.. then storage.. and there you will find "cached data"
2) Click on 'cached data' and click on 'ok'
                     Your cache will be cleaned and you will be getting free RAM

Another way of doing this is by installing a free app called ' the cleaner'     ( )

Once you install that, it will itself guide you through the cleaning process.

By wasting just 30 seconds of your precious time, you will be able to save numerous seconds that would have wasted behind starting of an app 

   For more details, you can refer to the video on youtube 

    Well, thats all for now. 
         If you have any questions , you can ask me in the comments below
                                                                            Thank you